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Dev Pest Control is renowned name in Pest Control Industry of Pune.
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Dev Pest Control Services


Dev Pest Control is renowned name in Pest Control Industry of Pune i.e. Western Maharashtra. Being started in a small scale before 10 years at Pune. It is due to the able Leadership, Vision and hardships of the Directors which bring forward the company not only in size but also in quantity & great deal of respect and goodwill earned from the satisfied customers. The Directors always try to achieve something new & most modern-world-wide accepted techniques, therapy's so as to give the best possible result.

Our Vision

  • Quality Service in Pest Control.
  • Identifying Pest Control problem quickly & systematically.
  • Measure customer satisfaction and performance on continuous basis.
  • Perfect Documentation.
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Protecting your family’s health: With whatever we do at EcoFriendly Pest Control Services, the safety and health of your family is at the forefront. Your safety is not just our priority but also a promise.

Our Service


Cockroaches are very primitive insects. Their ancestors lives more than 200-350 millions years ago. There are more than 3500 identifies species in the world. Only4 species live and breed in our home, do not segregate any ethnic group and economic class immaculate house keeping also does not exempt from cockroaches infestation. Sources of infestations is through human activities, and thus cleanliness of new premises is immaterial.
Vectors of Disease, Food Poisoning and Allergies: Mechanical Vector of Pathogenic helminthic eggs, viruses, protozoans and fungi affect man. Their habit of feeding on human food and human facies is an example of their potential health hazards to human being.
Important Diseases:
  • Leprosy
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Pneumonia
  • Hepatitis
  • Asthma and Allergies
  • Dysentery
  • Typhoid
  • Diphtheria
  • Salmonella Food Poisoning
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cholera
  • Tuberculosis
  • Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Coli form bacterial pathogens, etc.
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Bed bugs cimex electuaries are fairly cosmopolitan & nocturnal in habit and attack their host in midnight total darkness is their & during day time hides in cracks / crevices, mattresses, wardrobes / bedside joints, etc. Adult bed bug are brown to reddish brown & are oval shaped, flattened hide in cracks and crevices. The total life cycle is 12 - 18 months and can complete 3rd generation in a year & can live without food for months together though are not known to transmit any disease of medical importance but known to hibernate pathoen of plague & hepatitis - b antihistamine and corticosteroids can effectively reduce the allergies being produced after bite. The infestation can be effectively controlled by integration of all possible techniques, which may be preventive like improving sanitation, periodical dry/hot cleaning mattress, vacuum cleaning & application of pests.
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Termites are known as White ants, are ancient to human beings, they are social insects & they live in communities forming colonies with the King, Queen, Soldiers & workers as members. There are mainly two types one is Subterranean i.e. inside the ground and have more than 2300 species & other is dry wood i.e. above ground with around 230 species. This is the only insect which digest cellulose and now evolving the habit of digesting even newer cables made up from poly vinyl chloride (PVC), neoprene, etc. being used in communication, electrical pipes, fittings et and hence needs to be controlled scientifically. It is Subterranean termite which causes damage to the building/structures. The breeding potentials is heavy and the Queen is known to be egg laying machine, which lays more than 4000 eggs per day once it starts the same. They can enter into the structure even through the gap of 0.5 or 1/64th inch space.

How Termite Attack:

The termite enter the building unobserved from below and ground, perforating the foundation and spread to upper- level through joint, floors wall and cavities etc. They penetrate tiny cracks in concrete and also build runway which are made up of soil “mud tube” which enables them to traverse hard to poke material and provide with them line of communication between their nest and target. In case of composite mud masonry foundation, they move through the inner space of brick and stonework. They penetrate the concrete slab in grade construction also. Even the RCC column and beams cannot resist termite entries. Steel used in RCC rusts during curing period, iron expands to there times during, rusting & this provides excellent tunnels for termite seeking entry in upper floor.
Our Service


An ant’s life begins as an egg. Ant eggs are soft, oval, and tiny – about the size of a period at the end of a sentence. Not all eggs are destined to become adults – some are eaten by nestmates for extra nourishment. An egg hatches into a worm-shaped larva with no eyes or legs. Larvae are eating machines that rely on adults to provide a constant supply of food. As a result, they grow rapidly, molting between sizes. When a larva is large enough, it metamorphoses into a pupa. This is a stage of rest and reorganization. Pupae look more like adults, but their legs and antennae are folded against their bodies. They start out whitish and gradually become darker. The pupae of some species spin a cocoon for protection, while others remain uncovered, or naked.
Finally, the pupa emerges as an adult. Young adults are often lighter in color, but darken as they age. The process of development from egg to adult can take from several weeks to months, depending on the species and the environment.
Did you know that ants, like all insects, are full-grown when they become adults? Their exoskeletons prevent them from getting any larger.Furthermore, adult ants belong to one of three castes: queen, worker, or male. Queens are females that were fed more as larvae. They are larger than workers and lay all the eggs in a colony – up to millions in some species! Queens initially have wings and fly to find a mate(s), but they tear them off before starting a new colony. A queen can live for decades under the right conditions. Workers are females that were fed less as larvae. They do not reproduce, but perform other jobs, such as taking care of the brood, building and cleaning the nest, and gathering food. Workers are wingless and typically survive for several months. Males have wings and fly to mate with queens. They live for only a few weeks and never help with the chores of the colony.


We ensure that our staff is equipped with the all essential skills to deliver the best results.


We care about the environment and stand for good health by using biodegradable products


Our services are ergonomically designed to cut out unnecessary costs.

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Dev Pest Control is renowned name in Pest Control Industry of Pune.

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  • +91-7875192031